In the rapidly evolving construction landscape, the demand for high-quality precast concrete structures is growing, particularly in regions like Ireland and the UK. As projects become more complex, the need for precise detailing and efficient execution has never been more critical. However, managing these challenges can be daunting without the right expertise and tools. StruEngineers, with its deep-rooted experience and innovative approach, has been a game-changer in this space, offering specialized precast detailing services that help companies overcome these hurdles seamlessly. In our latest podcast, we explore how our tailored outsourcing solutions are making a significant impact in the UK and Ireland.

Prashant: Welcome, friends! This is the third podcast from StruEngineers. In our previous two podcasts, I had the pleasure of speaking with my colleague, Mangesh, who is a senior structural engineer. Those discussions were highly technical in nature. In the first podcast, we explored a precast parking structure, followed by a discussion on a data center designed with precast elements. We delved deeply into the technical aspects of how these structures are designed.

But today, we’re taking a different approach. I’m joined by our Managing Director, Mr. Suhas Mohol. This discussion will not be solely technical. While technical expertise and skills are essential for any company’s success, there are many other equally important factors. This is what we’ll be discussing today with Mr. Mohol, who has been one of the founding members of StruEngineers.

Good morning, sir! It’s really nice to have you here. We initially planned to have you as our first podcast guest, but due to time constraints, that didn’t happen. So, it’s great to finally have you with us today.

Suhas Mohol: Good morning, Prashant. It’s a pleasure to be here. Thank you for inviting me.

Prashant: Sir, to start, I’d like to brief you on what we’re going to discuss today. As we all know, India is a powerhouse of talent, and there’s a lot of outsourcing happening to various companies here. This talent pool exists across almost every industry sector, and we belong to a very specialized sector within civil engineering.

StruEngineers has also benefited from outsourcing services. It’s been a long journey—14 years since we started in 2011. I’d love to hear from you how it all began and the global footprint we’ve established. Many companies outsource to India, but not all have sustained their presence as successfully as StruEngineers. Can you give us an overview of our global presence?

Suhas Mohol: Thank you, Prashant. We started StruEngineers in 2011 as part of the StruSoft group, which is primarily based in Europe. Our engineering operations began in India, but we’ve since expanded our presence globally. While we are dominant in Europe, which is our home market, we’ve also established a strong presence in other regions such as the US, Middle East, Australia, New Zealand, and the Asia-Pacific region. Overall, we’ve covered most of the global markets, including India.

Prashant: That’s impressive! Could you also explain what key attributes have contributed to StruEngineers’ success in catering to a global clientele while being based in India?

Suhas Mohol: Outsourcing has evolved over the years. Initially, companies abroad would send repetitive tasks to be done here. But now, with the vast talent pool available in India, there’s a greater expectation from companies. Our competitive pricing and the high level of expertise we offer make us a preferred partner for many companies worldwide.

One of our key strengths is that we are not just an outsourcing company—we are a partner to our clients. This partnership allows us to fully understand their needs and deliver results that align with their expectations. Additionally, having a European parent company gives us an advantage because we’re familiar with international standards and practices. Our team, which has been with us since the inception, brings a wealth of experience, and this continuity is a significant factor in our success.

Prashant: That’s a great point, sir. The partnership model definitely sets us apart from a typical client-vendor relationship. What do you think companies look for in a partner when they decide to offload services to a foreign entity like ours?

Suhas Mohol: When companies look for a partner, they are seeking more than just cost savings. They look for trust, efficiency, and quality in the work. StruEngineers offers a unique combination of these qualities, along with our deep understanding of the precast industry. Our use of the IMPACT BIM software, which is highly regarded in design and production planning, further strengthens our offering.

What makes us different is that we provide complimentary access to the project manager view of IMPACT, allowing our clients to track the progress of their projects in real-time. This transparency and coordination between our team and the client are crucial for building trust.

Prashant: So, if I may summarize, our expertise, continuity, trust, and the value-added services we offer, such as the IMPACT BIM software, make us a preferred partner in a competitive global market. This approach ensures that our clients can focus on their core strengths while we handle the detailed work, making the entire process more seamless and efficient.

Suhas Mohol: Exactly. It’s all about offering focused and specialized services that meet the unique needs of our clients. For example, our expertise in precast design has been developed over 12 years, and we continually refine our skills to stay ahead of the competition.

Prashant: Speaking of our global clients, how do we manage the challenges of different time zones, especially with our clients in Europe, the Middle East, and the US?

Suhas Mohol: Time zone management is critical, especially when working with clients in different parts of the world. Fortunately, the time difference between India and Europe or the Middle East isn’t too significant—usually around three to four hours. This allows us to receive feedback or comments from our clients overnight, and we can address those first thing in the morning. By the time our clients start their workday, they have the updated designs or drawings on their desks. This efficient use of time zones gives us an advantage in meeting tight deadlines.

Prashant: That’s a smart way to leverage the time difference. Could you share some specific projects or instances where you felt particularly proud of the team’s achievements?

Suhas Mohol: Sure. Recently, we completed two projects in Saudi Arabia—one was a school building, and the other a parking garage. The timelines were extremely tight, but we managed to deliver on time thanks to our team’s dedication and our reliance on the IMPACT software, which allows us to save up to 70% of detailing time.

Another example is a project we did in Africa—a data center that required handling huge loads on the floors. Despite the challenges, our team provided innovative solutions that met the client’s needs and timeline. These are the kinds of projects that make me proud of our team’s capabilities and the trust our clients place in us.

Prashant: It’s inspiring to hear about these successes. Can you also talk about our Resource Center arrangement with one of our clients from the UK and Ireland?

Suhas Mohol: Certainly. This arrangement is based on the trust we’ve built with the client over time. Initially, we started with just a few jobs, but as they saw the quality of our work and the advantages of using the IMPACT system, they began giving us more work. This eventually led to the creation of a dedicated Resource Center for them, where they have a fixed-cost arrangement and don’t have to worry about resource availability or project-specific costs. It’s a win-win situation for both parties, and it’s a testament to the trust and confidence the client has in us.

Prashant: That sounds like the ultimate level of trust—a partnership where the client is fully confident in our ability to deliver. This Resource Center model also alleviates the client’s concerns about hiring, training, and retaining staff, allowing them to focus on their core business activities.

Suhas Mohol: Exactly. It eliminates the hassle of recruitment, training, and administration, which can be particularly challenging. Plus, with our cloud-enabled database, clients can access their project data in real-time, regardless of their location. This integration of cloud technology with our BIM software further enhances the client’s experience and strengthens our partnership.

Prashant: That’s a significant advantage. I know you’re pressed for time, so I’d like to thank you for joining us today and sharing these insights. I look forward to having more discussions on specific topics in the future. Thank you, sir.

Suhas Mohol: Thank you, Prashant.

Prashant: And to our listeners, as we’ve seen today, technical skills alone aren’t the only contributors to a company’s success. Soft skills, trust, and a strong partnership are equally important, especially in specialized industries like ours. At StruEngineers, we focus on addressing the pain points our clients face, staying one step ahead to provide the best user experience. Our IMPACT BIM software plays a crucial role in this, enabling us to save time and solve many challenges in the precast industry.

I hope this discussion has been insightful. We’ll be continuing with our technical podcasts with Mangesh soon. Until then, thank you for listening.

Conclusion: Bridging the Gap in Precast Concrete Detailing

As we discussed in the podcast, StruEngineers is more than just a service provider; we are a trusted partner in the precast concrete industry. Our focus on quality, trust, and technical expertise has allowed us to establish strong relationships with clients in Ireland and the UK. By offering tailored solutions, such as our IMPACT BIM software and dedicated Resource Centers, we help our clients streamline their processes, reduce costs, and meet tight deadlines with confidence.

In today’s competitive market, choosing the right partner can make all the difference. StruEngineers is committed to being that reliable partner, ensuring your precast concrete projects are executed flawlessly from start to finish. We invite you to listen to our full podcast and see how our expertise can help your business overcome the challenges of precast concrete detailing.

You can watch the full discussion below:

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