Advantages of Digitalization in Precast Concrete Industry – IMPACT Design and IMPACT Production

Last Updated: May 30th, 2024Categories: NewsTags:
Advantage of digitalization in precast industry

We are living in an era where the “brick and mortar” industry is entering into the digital age. Digitalization is not just accelerating the construction industry, but it is also helping cope with factors that are driving change in the construction industry, such as:

  • Evolving client expectations

  • Large scale infrastructure projects

  • New technological advancements

  • New generation of professionals

  • Working on multiple geographical locations

  • Supportive legal framework

  • Booming startup environment

If we talk about the precast industry, digitalization is playing a significant role in integrating design and production in precast factories. From the flow of information to the speed of reaction, digitalization plays a role everywhere. It is not only making processes easier, but is also ensuring better control and integration; thereby resulting in better efficiency and cost savings.

At StruEngineers, our team of experts is serving clients in 30 countries across the globe, with our in-house software “IMPACT”, built by our Sweden-based holding company StruSoft AB. We are happy to share that, StruSoft and StruEngineers have played a key role in the digitalization of the construction industry over the last 35 years, by offering industry-leading software for Design, 3D BIM Modelling, and Production Management.

IMPACT software logo

IMPACT is one of the leading software in the precast concrete industry and provides state-of-the-art tools required to implement a BIM workflow and manage every aspect of the precast concrete business – whether it is design, production, or projects, all in 3D. To cater to the design and production needs of the precast concrete industry, IMPACT comes with two different modules:

  • IMPACT Design
  • IMPACT Production
IMPACT software modules


IMPACT Design provides the tools needed to implement a BIM workflow in your detailing department. It lets you manage every aspect of precast concrete detailing; 3D modelling and even provides tools for rough planning and erection planning, through the integrated Project Manager.

With nearly unlimited possibilities for customizing the software through company standards, IMPACT Design can be tailored to exactly fit your precast concrete requirements.

IMPACT software logo
IMPACT software components
IMPACT Design Features: Advantages:
Automatic Shop Drawings Reduce manual layout errors
Company Standards Standardise your design workflows
Full 3D modelling Minimise design errors
Automatic Dimensioning Speed up your design and detailing
Rebar Templates Automatic rebar detailing
AutoCAD, BricsCAD, Revit, Tekla® Integrate with industry software

IMPACT Production

IMPACT Production provides the tools needed to implement a complete BIM workflow and manage every aspect of precast elements design and precast production planning.

The software is highly customizable to the exact needs of your precast factory; offering you the ability to 3D plan and keep better track of all types of precast elements; individual and multiple projects.

IMPACT production software logo
IMPACT Production
IMPACT Production Features Advantages
Resource Manager Plan multiple projects from any factory
3D Project Manager Visually manage a precast project
3D Cast Planner Utilize your production capacity smartly
Transport Planner Optimize your transportation of precast elements as per crane and truck capacity
Element Control Keep track of every precast element
IMPACT Go Access real-time data from anywhere

FAQs on Digitalization Advantages in the Precast Concrete Industry: IMPACT Design and Production

What impact does digitalization have on the quality and consistency of precast concrete elements?2024-05-30T17:18:02+05:30

Digitalization ensures higher quality and consistency in precast concrete elements by standardizing processes, automating quality checks, and providing detailed documentation. This reduces human error and ensures that all elements meet the required specifications and standards.

How can digitalization improve collaboration among stakeholders in the precast concrete industry?2024-05-30T17:17:35+05:30

Digitalization fosters better collaboration by enabling real-time data sharing and communication among all stakeholders, including designers, manufacturers, and contractors. This integrated approach ensures everyone is on the same page, reducing misunderstandings and project delays.

What role does the IMPACT Production module play in the digitalization of precast concrete manufacturing?2024-05-30T17:17:12+05:30

The IMPACT Production module optimizes production planning and execution. It provides real-time tracking, quality control features, and detailed production scheduling, enhancing overall productivity and minimizing waste in the manufacturing process.

How does the IMPACT Design software contribute to the precast concrete industry?2024-05-30T17:16:38+05:30

IMPACT Design software facilitates precise and efficient design of precast concrete elements. It offers advanced modeling capabilities, automated detailing, and seamless integration with production processes, ensuring high-quality outputs and reduced design time.

What are the key benefits of digitalization in the precast concrete industry?2024-05-30T17:15:48+05:30

Digitalization in the precast concrete industry enhances efficiency, accuracy, and collaboration. It streamlines design processes, improves production planning, and reduces errors, leading to significant cost savings and faster project completion.

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